Good storytelling can immerse you in a world to which you’ve never been. Great storytelling immerses you in a world you never want to leave.

Chad spent decades as a storyteller – telling other people's stories as a journalist and a marketing/communications executive. Now it’s time to tell a few of his own stories - ones he hopes create imagery that resonates and elicits emotion.

Chad has received a Green Room Fellowship from the Bigfoot Script Challenge. His screenplays have placed in many competitions since he started crafting scripts in 2017. Check out the Awards page to see how his screenplays placed and visit the Kudos page to find out what judges and critics are saying about his work.

Read the first 10 pages of Good News Gary, Dead Reckoning, Letters in Barbed Wire, Life Through The Lens, Rescuing Manny, No Vacancy, 7 Days, Hiber-Nation, and Colony.



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